U.S. operations
Our three operations in the U.S., located in the Central Appalachian region in Virginia and West Virginia, are:
- Buchanan complex
- Logan complex
- Greenbrier complex
Buchanan complex
- Location: Near the town of Oakwood in Buchanan County, Virginia
- Size: Approximately 357km²
- Year opened: Buchanan has been operating since 1983 and was acquired by Coronado in 2016.
- Reserves (ROM): 154 Mt
- Resources: 203 Mt
- Active mines: One underground mine with two longwall mining systems
- Fleet Size: Two longwalls and two development panels
- Coal Products: Low-vol HCC and premium low-vol PCI coal
- Key Customers: North America customers and export destinations, including China, Europe and South America
Logan complex
- Location: Boone, Logan and Wyoming Counties in southern West Virginia
- Size: Approximately 104km²
- Year opened: Logan has been operating since 2005 and was acquired by Coronado in 2014.
- Reserves (ROM): 135 Mt
- Resources: 248 Mt
- Active mines: Four underground mines and one surface mine
- Fleet Size: Eight continuous miners
- Coal Products: High quality high-vol HCC and SCC met coals, PCI coal and thermal coal
- Key Customers: North America steel makers and export destinations, including Europe, South America and India
Greenbrier complex
- Location: Greenbrier and Nicholas Counties in West Virginia
- Size: Approximately 176km²
- Year opened: Greenbrier has been operating since 2008 and was acquired by Coronado in 2013.
- Reserves (ROM): 12 Mt
- Resources: 55 Mt
- Active mines: Greenbrier complex has been idle since 2020 and is in care, maintenance and rehabilitation status. It consists of one underground mine and one surface mine.
- Coal Products: Premium quality mid-vol met coal, PCI and thermal coal (including activated carbon specialty markets)
- Key Customers: North America steel makers and export destinations, including Europe, Asia and South America
Buchanan emissions reduction
Our ongoing emissions project at Buchanan mine has reduced our carbon footprint.
Since being commissioned in July 2022, 264,850 tCO2e has been eliminated from the Buchanan mine complex via the VAM project.
Phase two of the project includes the installation of additional RTO units in 2024, with the aim of:
- cutting Buchanan mine’s emissions by approximately 60% by 2030
- cutting Coronado’s overall emissions by more than 30 percent by 2030.
Mon Valley
Coronado plans to develop a new underground met coal mine in southwest Pennsylvania. Met coal from this proposed Mon Valley mine will ultimately be produced from the Upper Freeport Coal Seam safely, cost-effectively and environmentally responsibly.
Mon Valley retains 134 Mt of marketable met coal reserves. We anticipate that the project will:
- create a significant number of new permanent jobs in the region
- have a minimal footprint of surface facilities
- supply high-quality met coal to U.S. customers for the manufacture of steel.
Russell County
Coronado has long-term plans to develop an underground met coal mine complex to mine the Russell County reserve in Virginia in the late 2030s.
The Russell County reserve is comprised of 29.5 Mt of recoverable marketable reserves.
Environmental sustainability
We are committed to extracting high-quality coal in an environmentally responsible way, via our approach to climate, biodiversity and rehabilitation, water, air and waste.
Social sustainability
We continuously evaluate the social impacts of our operations, improving safety and health, and the rights and wellbeing of our people and the communities in which we work.