At Coronado, we are committed to creating a sustainable future by:
- operating safely and supporting the health and wellbeing of our people
- respecting and protecting the environment
- enhancing our local communities
- building engaged and motivated teams
- operating ethically and producing a robust economic platform for growth.
Sustainability highlights 2023
Progress made towards our sustainability targets
Group safety performance improvement; best since April 2018
Significant environment and cultural heritage incidents
Completed our inaugural Reflection Reconciliation Action Plan
Increase in amount of water reclaimed or recycled across all sites
Successfully eliminated 264,850 tCO2e via the VAM project
Improved gender diversity of board from 16.7% to 37.5%
Generated $2.9 billion in group revenue
Our sustainability principles
Support the health and wellbeing of our people by maintaining a safe workplace
with the ultimate goal of zero harm.
Respect our environment by minimising the impact of our business activities and rehabilitating affected landscapes.
Be a valued and active member of the local communities in which we operate by delivering economic benefit and engaging in an open and transparent manner.
Build teams of engaged and motivated individuals that understand the positive and social economic relevance of what they do.
Operate fairly and equitably with suppliers and customers and generate profitable and sustainable returns of security holders.