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Becoming a supplier

Suppliers play an important role in the success of our diverse global mining operations. If you are interested in partnering with us then we invite you to register your interest in supplying to Coronado.

Before completing the supplier registration we ask that you read our code of business conduct and ethics policy.

When completed, your supplier registration will provide us with core information about your business and help us understand the nature and scope of your interest in partnering with us. You will receive an acknowledgement of your registration. Submission of a completed supplier registration and our acknowledgement of receipt does not confirm approval or pre-qualification status on any supplier. The award of any business by Coronado will follow established procedures for tendering, evaluation and negotiation.

All information received will be treated in the strictest confidence but may be disclosed to any part of Coronado Global Resources Inc. for the purposes of supplier evaluation.

All information is to be completed electronically.

Suppliers play a critical role in the success of our diverse global mining operations.