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Australian operations

Australian operations

Curragh complex


Curragh underground expansion

The Curragh underground expansion project, Mammoth Underground, is a key organic growth project for our Curragh complex. Mammoth mined first coal in December 2024, ramping up to a production rate of 1.5 – 2.0 Mtpa in 2025. Mammoth is an underground bord and pillar operation, gaining access to 41 million ROM tonnes of met coal reserves via the existing open cut pit highwall in S-Pit.

Mammoth Underground is expected to offer the Curragh complex several strategic improvement opportunities, namely:

  • Diversified coal production: The underground mine will continue to produce coal in periods of wet weather, thereby derisking production continuity as the existing two open cut mines may be impacted in periods of wet weather
  • Lower cost per tonne: The cost per tonne from Mammoth is forecast to be in the second cost quartile, thereby improving the overall cost structure of the Curragh complex
  • Quality products which are in demand: Mammoth has substantial high-quality met coal reserves, with a reserve base of 41 million ROM tonnes, with coal quality expected to mirror the existing Curragh North open cut mine
  • Increased production capacity: Once fully operational, the project is expected to deliver 1.5 – 2.0 Mtpa saleable production in its first phase, incremental to the existing open cut mines and ensuring higher utilisation of existing infrastructure.

Gas pilot project

The gas pilot project is considered industry leading for open cut coal mines as we explore and appraise gas reservoir characteristics, to better understand the potential to effectively reduce open cut fugitive emissions.

The project plans to flow and appraise beneficial use cases of waste mine coal gas, such as a diesel substitute for our operating fleets or for power generation.

Drilling works for the pilot project were completed in 2023, and a dual-fuel mine truck 12-week trial using gas transported from Brisbane was completed without incident.

Environmental sustainability

We are committed to extracting high-quality coal in an environmentally responsible way via our approach to climate, biodiversity and rehabilitation, water, air and waste.

Social sustainability

We continuously evaluate the social impacts of our operations, improving safety and health, and the rights and wellbeing of our people and the communities in which we work.